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1. Informatie geeft informatie omtrent (online) (sport) weddenschappen en gokken. De informatie is alleen bedoeld voor personen van 24 jaar en ouder, in lijn met de Nederlandse wetgeving. We richten ons alleen op Nederland en Nederlandse bezoekers. We handelen in lijn met alle regels en wetgevind van de Nederlandse overheid en de Kansspelautoriteit.
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BetFans is registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce with number 83702571.
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In these Terms and conditions, “”, “BetFans”, “We” “The website” shall mean the website in general and/or the company BetFans as a whole and the definitions are interchangeable. is a website that provides information on online (sports) betting and gambling. It is solely addressed for visitors who are 24 years old or over, in line with the laws of The Netherlands. BetFans is only focused on The Netherlands and Dutch visitors. We comply with and support all the rules and regulations as stated by the Dutch Government and the Netherlands Gambling Authority (
BetFans is only for users who are 24 years old or over. If you are not 24 years old or over you must not use or visit our website or the third parties we link to.
Our website is focused on The Netherlands only and for Dutch visitors only. If you are not a Dutch resident, you must not use or visit our website. contains links to websites provided by third parties. These third parties will mostly be online gambling operators. BetFans will only promote or get into business with gambling operators who hold a license issued by the Netherlands Gambling Authority ( Operators who deliberately break the law in any way will not be published or linked to on
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With the nature of our content, it is important that we point out the risks involved in online (sports) betting and gambling. We don’t offer bets of gambling services ourselves, but we try to explain the risks involved. Therefore in the footer of every page of our website is the ‘Speel bewust 18+’ text linked to For more info about responsible gaming, please read our ‘Responsible Partner Policy’.
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Last update: 27 June 2023